My name is Catherine Moats...

I am a Female Health & Life Coach and Yoga Instructor who is passionate about helping women upgrade their life - mentally, emotionally and physically.

I help women find balance through shifting their mindset and aligning their values and desires with their actions, beliefs, and thoughts.

For years I worked corporate jobs that I loathed. I had my identity and worth wrapped up in my career and accomplishments. The more I checked off my to-do list the “better” I was. The more money I made for the company I was working for at the moment the more valuable I felt. The more people I could outwork and outperform the more superior I thought I was. I got pretty far away from myself.
I was overwhelmed, stressed out, emotionally, mentally and physically exhausted and flat out tired of running the rat race. I knew I was capable of more and wanted more out of life (yet I kept going through the motions). I blamed my unhappiness on others and outside circumstances. I rarely checked in with my friends (who I love). I never made time for myself. I never checked in on my needs. I was frustrated with where I was in life and had no clue what to do or where to go to get unstuck.

One night, my now amazing husband suggested I quit my job. He suggested I leave my job and get back to happy.

My mind went into...

Are you serious!?

I’m not a quitter!

That’s crazy talk!

I don’t give up on anything.

I need a paycheck.

I’ve worked hard for my title. I don’t want to throw it away!

It’s not that bad...

After two weeks of pondering, debating, justifying, excuse making and taking a clear look at my current state, I took the plunge. I quit. I chose to actually listen: listen to someone that cares about me, listen to my body and listen to my heart.

My heart knew there was something greater for me. My mind wanted to convince me otherwise.

Quitting that job was the best decision I’ve made.

I finally woke up and realized I can choose differently. I am the creator of my life. I am not my job. I am not my career. My value is not found from the outside. I am a valuable, precious, radiant human being that has a lot to offer this beautiful world.

And so do YOU!

I have created an easy to follow method for women to start recognizing their unconscious thoughts, beliefs and patterns so they can shift their mindset and start being the woman they are designed to be (an absolute incredible gift to our amazing universe).<\b>

We all deserve a life of peace, freedom and balance.
Don’t stay held back.
Don’t settle.
Life is too short to be in a constant bottleneck.

I learned this the long and hard way.

Which thankfully brought me to where I am today. Helping women save time, energy, heartache and confusion.
Helping women take ownership of their life, establish a loving relationship with themself, and build a roadmap that aligns them with the life they desire.

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